Thursday, January 19, 2017

Visceral Response

This is a sculpture by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. It is called The Rape of Proserpina. While having what I find to be a terrible name for the sculpture this image was the first thing that popped into my head when we were told about this assignment. This sculpture is truly stupefying. The amount of perfect detail and the execution of form and shape blows my mind. I get a feeling of awe, of being mystified, and completely dumbfounded as to how he could create this out of stone. All of the lines in the sculpture lead you back to the center where the arms are. This location is where the shape and form are truly stupefying. The way  that there is an indentation on the thigh where the hand is grabbing gives it the most life like quality. The way the shadows are cast in to it give more dimension. The lines of the veins and tendons in the arms and hands further this notion that they are real people. All of these things give a texture to the figures. They are made out of stone so they obviously would be courser than skin but the way the light hits it gives it a feeling of smoothness like skin. When I first glance at this sculpture my first feeling is awe. 

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